I’ll never forget the first time I didn’t get an A on a paper.

It’s kind of embarrassing to admit that it meant that much to me at the time, but I thought I was a really good writer. I’d aced all my high school English classes and gotten a perfect score on the composition section of the ACT, so I figured the writing assignments in college would be a piece of cake. 

Except I wasn’t in high school anymore. For the first two years, I went to a small private college that was known for its tough professors, especially in the English department. It turned out I didn’t know nearly as much as I thought I did about writing.

I was in a whole new ball game, and the stakes were raised instantly. For the most part, I rose to the challenge, stepped it up a notch, and kept right on going. 

Except for this one class – British Literary Classics. It was the most difficult class I’ve ever taken. I just could not seem to catch on to what the professor wanted, and it wasn’t for lack of trying. When I got my first paper back and saw the big fat C on the front, I almost had a heart attack.

Yes, I was a pretty embarrassingly nerdy young woman who wanted A’s all the way. That C was just not okay with me, but I felt completely lost as to what I should be doing differently. I marched myself right into the professor’s office with my paper in hand and addressed it straight on.

“I’m not happy with my grade. Please tell me what I can do differently next time to do better. It’s my goal to get an A, and I really want to learn.”

I was in that professor’s office several times over the course of the semester. I also joined a study group, and my papers improved as the class progressed. Although I didn’t get an A, I knew I had done my very best. I was proud of my B and of the improvement I had made. 

The truth was, even though I was an excellent writer by high school standards, I hadn’t mastered high-level college writing that required in-depth analysis of centuries-old literary classics.

Content Copy ISN’T The Same

Something similar happens with copywriters. Many start off writing websites, product descriptions, and blogs. It’s easy to assume that it’s a simple transition over to writing sales copy, but even for someone who’s a good writer in general, that’s not necessarily true. 

Sales copy is a COMPLETELY different animal. The truth is, a person can be an excellent writer and still not have mastered sales conversion copywriting. Expert sales conversion writers must become skilled at much more than the technical aspects of writing. They must become experts in what I call the “Core 4”. 

What are the “Core 4”?

The “Core 4” are a set of unique and necessary skills good writers must add to their repertoire in order to become experts at sales conversion copy. 

Being skilled in the “Core 4” enables a sales copywriter to quickly dial in on exactly who the client serves, identify areas that are working and areas that aren’t, and create a front-to-back plan to reach the right people with the right message at the right time. Here are the “Core 4””

  • Research
  • Strategy
  • Data analysis
  • Sales psychology


The sales copy you write can only be as good as the research you’ve done beforehand. A sales conversion copywriter must:

  • Discover WHO the dream clients and customers are and WHAT they want and need 
  • Understand exactly HOW the client’s offer or product provides the solution
  • Learn the client’s voice and communication style
  • Connect the offer or product to the dream clients and customers in a way that leads towards a specific objective (conversion)


Sales conversion copywriters must understand strategy and be able to think strategically about not only the words they write but how, where, and when they appear. What pieces of information does the target audience need to see first? Would certain information go over better in an email or a paid ad? How soon is too soon to pitch the sale? Strategy is a game-changer.

Data Analysis

Data analysis is a very underdeveloped skill among copywriters, but it’s so important. Being able to read campaign data and paid traffic analytics helps sales copywriters identify what’s working and what’s not so they can test and optimize campaigns for best results. 

Sales Psychology

In order to reach audiences where they are and invite them along on a journey to purchase, sales copywriters need to understand how people think and how that affects the decisions they make. If they can’t put themselves in the target audience’s shoes, they’ll have a hard time writing sales copy that converts.

The “Core 4” goes above and beyond the writing techniques most sales conversion copy trainings teach, and that’s not okay. Just being a good writer is not enough to write sales copy that converts, and most programs and courses out there are falling short.

… except one.

Introducing Written Results Academy

Written Results Academy is the only online training platform that uses the “Core 4” PLUS technical writing skills, business development, mindset, client acquisition, workflow, and more. This program teaches copywriters how to become experts at sales conversion copy so they can get the kind of results that attract high-level clients who will pay high-ticket rates. 

Want to learn more about Written Results Academy? On November 27-30, Written Results Academy is opening its doors for a limited-time VIP launch. The VIP Waitlist officially goes live on Thursday, November 19. I’ll be revealing exciting news about massive savings and amazing bonuses and exclusive content at that time!

Because you’re a faithful blog reader, I’m going to let you sneak in early. To get an advanced view of the VIP Waitlist and launch details, visit and sign up for access to exclusive savings on enrollment plus bonuses and extra content.

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